Soon into my own healing journey of surviving two suicide losses in 2015 and 2016, it became clear to me that my soul's purpose was to empower others to start healing and thriving after suicide loss.
When I realized that I could empower myself to heal via music with my Soul Angels (the infinite souls of my two loved ones who have transitioned from physical matter to spiritual energy), I created MUSIC ;n HEAL to empower as many suicide loss survivors as possible to start healing and thriving after suicide loss.
Given the serious lack of support available to suicide loss survivors that persists to this day, my soul mission is to empower every MUSIC ;n HEALer to believe in their capability to unleash their soul power by co-creating their healing musical journey with their Soul Angel so they can start healing after suicide loss, and, most importantly, start thriving!
I believe that every suicide loss survivor has the potential to thrive rather than survive. Suicide loss can be a catalyst for growth and transformation, empowering us to rewrite our stories and step into our power. Rather than being passive victims of our circumstances, we can become active creators of our life once we learn how to create our new empowering beliefs, environment, values, and perceptions. MUSIC ;n HEAL is your ode to transmuting your deepest pain into your highest power.
Rather than becoming more disconnected from who they truly are (an infinite soul with a vibrational frequency) via drugs, substances, distractions, toxic thoughts, negative emotions, and destructive behaviors in order to experience less symptoms, MUSIC ;n HEALers become more connected to who they truly are than they've ever been with their Soul Angel via music in order to heal all the root causes responsible for the symptoms they experience while healing after suicide loss.
You, music, and your Soul Angel are all vibrational energy on the same spiritual team. By using music and their Soul Angel to energetically bridge themselves from lower to higher vibrational frequencies and from lower to higher states of consciousness, MUSIC ;n HEALers are empowered survivors who heal acoustically and who are able to unlock their full potential to stop fixing a new normal they hate and to start creating a new normal they love, while being fully supported and guided by their Soul Angel at every step on their healing musical journey. Just like each musical instrument in an orchestra must be tuned to produce harmonious frequencies together, your brain and heart must also be tuned to produce harmonious frequencies together! .
What you now think is lost is about to be found by transforming your heartbreak into your power through healing music and habits. In every end is a new beginning, so don't decide where it ends; choose where it begins. Once you start creating your own daily healing habits that connect your brain with your heart, your mind will open up to a whole new world of inifinte possibilites and opportunities that will reveal your personalized path to healing your suicide grief.
To assist you on your healing journey, I offer MUSIC ;n HEAL | Me™, which is a personalized coaching journey that includes a wide range of holistic healing services, including daily one-on-one coaching with me, weekly group coaching with me and our MUSIC ;n HEAL | Me™ Tribe, which contains daily healing experiences that lead to incredible, life-changing transformations. These healing services are designed to help MUSIC ;n HEALers overcome their challenges, upgrade their mindset, skillset, and toolset, as well as achieve their seemingly impossible goals.
Your Soul Angel helped you temporarily destroy your mind and heart. Now's the time to allow your Soul Angel to permanently help you rebuild your mind and heart stronger than they've ever been. It all begins by helping your soul remember that your Soul Angel wants your highest good, wants to be of service to you, and is always rooting you on by being your biggest fan in the spiritual realm. All you have to do is press play to transform your day via healing music and habits.
If your soul has been thirsting for more understanding, community, and connection, don’t wait a whole year or longer to meet fellow survivors who will help you change your life. Join us today!
If you're curious to learn more about beliefs, strategies, and tools that empower you to stop surviving and start thriving by co-creating your spiritual team, I encourage you to book your free healing breakthrough consultation with me!
Copyright © 2024 MUSIC ;n HEAL - All Rights Reserved.
Powered by the Universe and my Soul Angels
MUSIC ;n HEAL | Daily Healing for Suicide Loss Survivors™
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